From as little as £420 + VAT - find out more by speaking
to one of our expert team on 0207 183 8883 today
From as little as £420 + VAT - find out more by speaking to one of our expert team on 0207 183 8883 today
0207 183 8883

What can Wi-Fi UK do for you
At Wi-Fi UK, we realised that having a reliable, fast Wi-Fi connection all over your home was the #1 annoying issue which all Londoners face and the first thing we all do is Google "how to boost home Wi-Fi signal." Then comes the purchase of a cheap and cheerful Wi-Fi powerline booster; now let's face it - they don't work and so the frustration continues.
Here at Wi-Fi UK we can help you get rid of that frustration with a solution that works - at last, a quality Wi-Fi signal is within your grasp.
Can't Stream Music?
Do you ever get frustrated trying to stream music and the internet connection keeps dropping out?
Video Keeps Dropping?
Is watching the latest movies online a struggle when you can't connect to the Wi-Fi in the room you want to be in?
Poor Wi-Fi Signal?
Is your business in a three-storey building with all the staff huddled around the router to get online?
At Wi-Fi UK, our intelligent routers have been providing fast, efficient Wi-Fi for homes and businesses in the capital for six years. It gives you a reliable and stable connection across a whole building, which is becoming increasingly important with the latest advances in technology.
Our Wi-Fi Solution
Wi-Fi UK set off on a mission to fix this issue by setting up a network lab in our Park Royal office and throw at it a number of real-world scenarios, then voilà; no more Wi-Fi that sucks! Our product easily and effectively modifies your Wi-Fi connection, adapting to any building so you get fast efficient Wi-Fi in all areas, so you don’t need to sit on the stairs near the router.
At Wi-Fi UK, our intelligent Routers & Access Points have been providing fast, efficient Wi-Fi for homes and businesses in the capital for six years. It provides you with a reliable and stable connection across a whole building, which is becoming increasingly important with the latest advances in technology.
Quick Install
Your immediate solution will be installed on-site in as little as 90 minutes.
First we get to understand your Wi-Fi requirements by asking a few simple questions about current Wi-Fi signal strength issues around your home or building. We will find the most cost effective solution for the size of youe home, office, business, building or venue.
How it works
Our network engineer will arp into your ISP Router to obtain its IP address, then connect a MESH access point. We then place the other MESH access points around the house in a triangular formation to ensure your digital network topology has a perfect triangular MESH connection to communicate with each other on a dedicated MU-MIMMO backhaul channel, creating a ‘blanket’ Wi-Fi connection on each floor.
We will quote based on the size of your home or building, we will book you in on your preferred date and time in our online diary and our Wireless Network Engineers will be on-site to get fast, reliable Wi-Fi around your entire property in just 90 minutes.
Wi-Fi Fixed (Residential)
- Our Wireless Network Engineers will locate your ISP router.
- Connect a Wi-Fi UK MESH Access Point to your router.
- Plug additional Wi-Fi UK MESH Access Points around the property in a power socket (no drilling or wires to run)
- Configure/Setup your fast Wi-Fi network all over your entire property.

Wi-Fi Fixed (Commercial)
- Our Wireless Network Engineers will locate your ISP router/comms room.
- Connect an Enterprise QoS PoE Switch
- Connect a CloudKey to the PoE Switch
- Connect an Enterprise Wireless Access Point to the PoE Switch
- Connect additional Wireless MESH Access Points around the building via Cat6 cables or Wireless UpLinks
- Configure, setup and deploy your fast Wi-Fi network all over your entire building.
Here are some frequently asked questions we are often asked. If you have any other questions about our products, that you can't find here, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to answer any queries you have.